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About Us


What makes people happy? How can we increase the family wellness? Why is family wellness so important?

A family is where life begins. Right now, technology is ruling the world; and there is no time for family members to come together.  Stress, anxiety, and loneliness leads to drugs, lack of love and care leads to crime. The key to a healthy body and mind is a happy family. According to the statistics, people with a happy family live a longer and healthier life. Therefore, family wellness is a significant factor in shaping a better world.

Worldwide, there are different fitness gadgets and fitness apps. But there are no family wellness apps. Our idea is to make the first family wellness app. One of the unique solutions that we came up with is “Happy Family” which is one of its kind with very distinct features needed to keep the families stay connected in a fun way and to track the family wellness score.

How can we increase family wellness?
With some simple changes in lifestyle, we can decrease the number of unhappy marriages and unhappy kids.


  • We did a survey around our community with families from different background and age groups and what we found out was surprisingly everything ties back to a family with love, affection, and care.  

  • A new psychology study confirms that unhappy families, in fact, are unhappy in two distinct ways. And these dual patterns of unhealthy family relationships lead to a host of specific difficulties for children during their early school years. Families can be a support and resource for children as they enter school, or they can be a source of stress, distraction, and maladaptive behavior.

  • With this “Happy Family” we can reduce the no. of crimes, suicides, drug addictions, domestic violence, divorce, and household chores because we strongly believe in the fact that Happy Families lead to happy communities. happy cities, happy states, happy countries and the happy world at the end.

© 2019  by Happy Family.

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